About Jessica
I'm Jessica Ashley and I am a mom's best girlfriend in divorce.
I am a CDC Certified Divorce Coach®.
I'm also a writer, content strategist, podcaster and speaker. Oh, hey, and I've also been kicking ass as a divorced mother for more than a decade.
You have probably visited MY SITE.
I’m the founder, author and host of Single Mom Nation, a site focusing on girlfriend-to-girlfriend advice on self-care, co-parenting, dating and relationships, style and expert tips for single mothers and divorcing women.
And listened to THE PODCAST.
I host the weekly podcast Single Mom Nation, where my guests are single mothers who are experts in their own amazing lives.
You can also hear me discussing divorce on podcasts you definitely want to subscribe to, including:
And seen me on Oprah's Super Soul Sunday.
Yes, that was me, just a few feet away from Ms. Winfrey, who did wink at me and whisper "Great comment" (you have to trust me on this since that comment never made it on the air). I appeared on a panel with Iyanla Vanzant for a two-part Lifeclass series on what single mom's need to know. Tyler Perry also appeared in episode two, not because he's an expert in how to single mom but because he made a movie about us. (Yes, I have feelings about this. Feel free to ask for more details.)
And read my WRITING.
My own authored posts have garnered more than 40 million page views, and 40,000 comments and my award-winning site has earned #3 Relationship Blog (2013), Top 50 Mom Blog (2012) and Top 100 Mom Blog (2011). I blogged for a decade at Sassafrass.
I was a founding editor at Yahoo! Shine, where I led the Healthy Living and Parenting sections, and wrote profusely about celebrity abs, organic tampons and breastfeeding. I have contributed to Huffington Post, AOL, Care.com, Scary Mommy, The Mid, Nick Jr, Nickelodeon, AlphaMom, Babble, Mom.me, The Bump and many other sites.
I've created content for national sponsor campaigns for Huggies, Target, Duracell, Walgreens, Crest, CDC, Heifer International, AARP and many other brands you know, love and hand over your debit card to regularly.
And seen + heard me on TV + RADIO.
My on-air appearances can be seen and heard on Huffington Post Live, NBC-5, WGN-TV, Martha Stewart Radio, Better TV, FM100 and morning talk shows across the country. Perhaps you caught my video show on Disney's Babble.com called One-der Woman, all about sassy single parenting stuff or were privy to my fleeting affair with a YouTube channel.
And kindly given me a hug after hearing me SPEAK.
I travel the country to connect deeply with audiences, offering road-tested tips and tying together my dynamic experience as a coach, storyteller, online influencer, brand voice specialist, nonprofit fundraiser, spiritual workshop leader, lay minister, university adjunct professor, coach and (phew) thriving single parent. I've stood at the podium, sit on the panels and cozied up in a summer camp-style circle for speaking engagements at Northern Trust, Mom 2.0, BlogHer, Listen to Your Mother, Association for Research on Mothering and Oprah's Super Soul Sunday Lifeclass (have I mentioned that already?).
And been a COACHING CLIENT or attended a workshop or girls' night out with me.
As a coach, I work one-on-one in confidential, conversational sessions, and use creative exercises, strategic thinking and empowering questions to help women write the next chapter of their big, amazing lives. I specialize in guiding women to and through the transition of divorce. I host in-person and virtual workshops and events in partnership with other badass women in business. If we've shared a glass of bubbly, then one of certainly has 17 selfies as evidence.
Most of all, I am REAL-LIFE LADY.
I wear inappropriately high heels to the playground, am mom to a 16-year old awkward breakdancing, fast-running black belt, best-kind-of math nerd son, and a fiery, booty-shaking, tiny clothing stylist first-grader affectionately known online as Boss Lady. I respond to both Jessica and Ashley.
“To change the narrative of divorce from one of failure, victimization, brokenness and betrayal to the greatest gift of our lives (after having children) that we invest in ourselves and future generations.
To help mothers leave and heal from narcissistic and emotional abuse relationships.
To help break cycles of abuse and misogyny that we have lived in for too long, often in our own homes and families, and create practices of learning and unlearning, followed up by accessible action.
To empower women through their most vulnerable moments, to find the gifts, lessons, support and radical self-love they need to fan the fire within.
To help mothers thrive through divorce with grace, creativity, laughter and probably a lot of cussing.
To hold space for their stories, and to empower women to share their truths, heartaches, revelation and full glory by writing honestly, accessibly and authentically.
To use our words, raise our voices, create our art and connect as one critical daily way to fight back against discrimination, oppression, marginalization, neglect, the things that shrink and silence us.
To honor our differences, to listen mindfully and speak with accountability, to find threads across our experiences and perspectives to connect us.
To help women see their own reflection and strength as they raise their Wonder Woman bracelets against the forces that have prevented them from being their true, glorious, happier, healthier selves.
To believe mothers, and to honor that they are amazing simply by saying I need help.
To create safety for us to be raw, real, and open to seeing the great gifts of pain, and the great opportunities change brings.
To be a guide, a best girlfriend, a partner through the transitions, a trusted confidante who will beckon you forward to be your fiercest, bravest, most beautiful self. ”